comments on euphemisms to
the situation on our Planet Earth - for 2012
are always people who try to gloss over the situation
of the earth. They try to represent the so-called
hysteria about 2012 with compassionate or also
mocking words about "People who do spread
films are circulating - to make fun of "the
pole shift theories" or about "the end
of the Mayan Calendar," etc., or at least
to greatly alleviate them. I tell you my honest
opinionI about this...
beautifying movies or news give me stomach pains
... Not because I might not want that everything
will be fine in the end! No - it is quite the
contrary! It is because it supports my view, that
the people still remain in continuous sleep.
the calendar goes on - whether or not a pole shift
takes place - this is not, what actually counts!
It is about looking at the overall situation on
our planet earth ! It is because we have
have been researching, thinking over these circumstances
for a long time - (at least for 30 years ) - I
have discussed, exchanged and learned great things
with archaeologists and great scholars. Things
that are not known even by the public today -
some of them I knew and saw in visions about 22
years ago.
never shouted this from the housetops. But I know
one thing - whether it is 2012 - or 2013 - or
maybe a few years later - is not relevant. It
is relevant,, that the WORLD CANNOT CONTiNUE LIKE
thing is clear: if we continue like this, we exterminate
ourselves - however! On this topic we don't have
to point our fingers at the others
this does not concern everybody. But the majority
of people destruct themselves with the consumption
of medicines, with the wrong food, etc., etc.
. The waters of the earth are no longer accessible
for many people, their rivers dried up. It goes
on like this endlessly: Genetic manipulation ....
animal torture - torture of people .... Oversized
"lies" - terrorist attacks (fakes -
see 11 September, and see, what it was in real!).
All this - for example: to spread false news for
hounding own people against other countries in
order to really stir and to justify great wars
- to rub new ressources, money, manpower, etc.
use severe poisons for the extraction of raw materials
... there are heaps of Industrial wastes - purposefully
- in our food, or in the things for daily use
(such as toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) ... with these
things we could fill pages.
the "BEST"
are the Physics and Chemistry .... e.g. Particle-
/ Nuclear- and Chemical Research.
is an example:
Company CERN in Switzerland
company has been working for years on the particle
acceleration. Unfortunately, 2008 there was an
incident which was rather played down by the press
- see
further below
Reports on the progress of this research:
- Wissenschaft - Urknallexperiment
( - Science - Big
Bang experiment --> you will have to look for
an english site! or have the pace translated with
the google translator)
from this page:
nuclei collide together with record energy
unprecedented energy researchers at the
Geneva research center CERN have fired atomic
nuclei against each other. The world's largest
particle accelerator LHC elementary clashed
with ...
Court does not believe in doomsday
Geneva in August 2008: as the largest particle
accelerator in the world was set in motion,
skeptics predicted the Apocalypse: The impact
of very small particles would create a Black
November 2008, there were an accident in
the Swiss group:all:
- Superheated Super Magnet -
The most expensive experiment in the world
is broken
scientists are thus prepared for such problems
... but how long it will take to repair
the caused damage is unclear. It is sure,
that perfectly functioning super magnets,
which keep the particle beam under control,
which are the heart of the LHC. Because
if the beam gets out of control he could
beat huge holes into the swiss underground
- and probably destroy parts of the accelerator
itself. When the accelerator is running
at full capacity, In the wafer-thin stream
is the bundled energy of a locomotive that
is travelling at 124 miles per hour,
See also the Prophecies:
CERN Switzerland or:
Prophecies to 2012: Big Bang Machine - leaked
helium is causing rupture of the faults
I have compiled a variety of prophecies that deal
with this accident - or maybe with upcoming accidents.
The humans has never ceased to make "unbreakable"
giant projects.
The building ot the Tower of Babel has never stopped.
So people always had to watch their Sky-Buildings
and "to God" towering spiers collapse.
I'm not talking about the Twin Towers - I mean,
for example the Giant tankers. The Titanic was
probably one of the first giant ships that went
down. Oil spills large as continents cover large
areas of the seas. Meanwhile, a carpet of real
plastic - yes indeed an area with the size of
a really big Island (3 times as big as Spain)
swims in the middle of the Ocean! The Islands
are like icebergs - they also reach really deep!
Further there are disasters like Chernobyl, Fukushima
... or CERN.
this happens because of manipulation or because
of natural disasters -
is the question of the exact how or when really
Fact is: that these things are used - and/or collapse
pray for a change - and for the opening of minds,
thoughts, desires, feelings, for the heart, the
creativity of the people for the big change to
the better! Because this is our only chance -
that is our only salvation!
fine words can change that
thing: as they walk in the dark during the war
- to save themselves - a boy says to his father:
"Dad, I !'m afraid "The Father has great
anxiety and concern for his son - but he does
not tell his son. He says. "You need not
to fear - I'm here!"
I have personally experienced situations like
this - as a small child in such situations, which
were similarly bad for a kid just like war. A
dishonest answer scared me even more!, because
I felt intuitively that something was wrong -
and that I now was truly alone, feeling naked
and in immediate danger. An honest answer would
have helped me to prepare myself. It is good to
awaken and to get conscious and prepared about
what happens.
to the current situation:
For my part I prepare myself - at least emotionally
and mentally. I look at everything - without taboos
- and transform things as far as possible in my
heart and do what I can to help myself and the
world. And so I can reduce my anxiety so much
that I am able to "carry my fear on my hand"
- as kung fu master, "David Carradine"
once so wonderfully said.
still have a lot more anxiety for all the people
who blandish about the current situations, rather
than align themselves positively. Not in nice
thinking, but in changing negative behavior patterns
that take all place from unconsciousness - and
usually do not reach consciousness. We are changing
this situation by observing our behavior intentionally
- by researching our exemplary traditional ideas
for those who are not really conducive. By rethinking
our wishes and desires and by aligning our behavior
actively in a positive direction - we do really
a great change! This is, how we can change the
world, by changing ourselves!!
became obvious to me - that if honestly observed
- and also inwardly watched and felt - step by
step the space which was occupied by the fear
was freed for joy and hope! The current circumstances
on Mother Earth are a genuine chance for the humans
- for a big transformation of thoughts, words
and deeds, for a great New Beginning !
For many years I've stopped eating animals. Not
only after I saw that the animal breeding is one
of the things that destroy the earth. But also
because I did not want any more that a being must
suffer for my pleasure addiction. I have started
in 1998 to feed my own from the things, that nature
gives freely - without the destroying of life
- without the shedding of blood.
Since that time I eat a large part (80-90% - some
times also 100%) of fresh fruits, herbs, grasses
and vegetables. I eat them uncooked and deliciously
prepared .. The other 20% are still cooked - but
not because I really need it. It is because I
am still addicted to some toods - such as masched
potatoes or fries. Living like this - I do need
much less electricity, Water, Soap, Shampoo, because
I do not have water insoluble fats to be cleaned
- not even from my body! Like this - I have plenty
more time for the beautiful things in life!
Come on, join me and become free wo/man
Best wishes